Research Article

[Retracted] SOFA Score in relation to Sepsis: Clinical Implications in Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognostic Assessment

Table 3

Comparison of SOFA score and related indexes in patients with sepsis with different prognosis ().

IndexThe survival group ()The death group ()/

Age (year)3.343<0.001
Gender (cases)
Male55 (62.50%)33 (63.46%)0.0120.909
Female33 (37.50%)19 (36.54%)
APACHE II score (score)7.307<0.001
SOFA score (score)10.653<0.001
q-SOFA score (score)2.8380.005
△SOFA score76.638<0.001
MAP (mmHg)
PLT (×109/L)7.793<0.001
TBIL (μ/L)10.191<0.001
Scr (μmol/L)35.158<0.001
GCS (score)14.207<0.001