Research Article

[Retracted] Self-Adaptation Resource Allocation for Continuous Offloading Tasks in Pervasive Computing

Table 2

Experimental setup and parameter settings.

Virtual machine parameter; image size
; VM memory
Cloudlets constraints

Number of datacenters1
Number of VM5
No of cloudlets100-500
Nature of cloudletsIndependent
Performance metrics analysisMakespan or battery usage
Hardware configurationProcessor: Intel (R) Core ™ i3 -2310 M CPU@ 2.10GHz
Hard disk: 1 TB
Ram: 2 GB.
Software configurationOperating system: Windows 10pro
Simulation software for offloading: omnetpp
Simulation software for resource allocation: CloudSim 3.03
IDE: NetBeans: 8.1
Java version: JDK 1.8-172