Research Article

[Retracted] Cases of Ultrasound-Diagnosed Right Aortic Arch with Right Arterial Duct and the Treatment

Table 1

Antenatal diagnosis and postpartum follow-up results in 10 fetuses.

NumberGenderOther intracardiac and extracardiac abnormalities (antenatal)Related genetic test (antenatal)Other intracardiac and extracardiac abnormalities (postpartum)PrognosisPostpartum ultrasound resultRemarks

1Corrected transposition of great arteriesAmniocentesis: Normal karyotype26 weeks before odinopoeiaAutopsy: Refused
2Ventricular septal defect, aortic saddle28 weeks before odinopoeiaAutopsy: Refused
3MaleLateral ventricle widened, gallbladder not shownUmbilical blood puncture: Normal chromosome karyotypeASD, congenital tracheal malformation, deafness, cryptorchidism and other malformations40 weeks before eutociaProvedCHD7 gene mutates
4MaleDouble kidney seeper39 weeks before eutociaProved
5MaleASD37 weeks before cesarean sectionProved
6FemalePRUVAmniocentesis: Normal karyotypePRUV40 weeks before cesarean sectionProved
7Male40 weeks before eutociaProved
8Female38 weeks before eutociaProved
9Female39 weeks before cesarean sectionProved
10Male38 weeks before eutociaProved