Research Article

[Retracted] Overexpression of miRNA-93-5p Promotes Proliferation and Migration of Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma via Inhibition of KLF9

Figure 3

KLF9 is lowly expressed in BUC cells. (a) Volcano plot of differential mRNAs in a dataset. Red: upregulated; green: downregulated. (b) Venn diagram of predicted target mRNAs of miRNA-93-5p and differentially downregulated mRNAs. Yellow refers to miRTarBase. Orange refers to the TargetScan database. Brown refers to differentially downregulated mRNAs in TCGA-BLCA. Green refers to the miRanda database. Blue refers to the starBase database. Red refers to the miRDB database. (c) Pearson correlation analysis of miRNA-93-5p and candidate genes. (d) Pearson correlation analysis of miRNA-93-5p and KLF9. (e) KLF9 expression in the TCGA-BLCA dataset. Blue refers to normal samples, and red refers to tumor samples. (f, g) KLF9 mRNA and protein expression levels in normal and cancer cells. .