Research Article

What Are the Relative Intensities of the Components of NMR Spectral Multiplets from Quadrupolar Nuclei in Uniformly Anisotropic Media?

Figure 1

133Cs NMR (52.8 MHz) spectra (solid black lines) of 800 mM CsCl in 60%  gelatin gel, at 15°C, that was stretched by a factor of 2.0 (processed from 4 transients with 1 Hz spectral line broadening [1]). The splitting between adjacent peaks was 43.8 ± 0.1 Hz. (a) Spectral simulation (dashed magenta line) using a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis and (b) the same experimental data as in (a), but the simulation (dashed red line) was based on an ensemble average of Gaussian distributed values of the peak splitting (reproduced with permission from the authors and publisher [1]).