Research Article

HSimulator: Hybrid Stochastic/Deterministic Simulation of Biochemical Reaction Networks

Algorithm 2

Rejection-based Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (RSSA).
Input: The same as DM (Algorithm 1) together with a simulation parameter for
calculating the fluctuation interval of the system state.
Output: a time series of states , providing the dynamics of the system.
  while    do
     Define the fluctuation interval according to (8);
     For each reaction , compute propensity bounds , and
     the total propensity ;
     while    do
       Generate three random numbers in ;
       Select such that satisfies
       if    then
         Compute according to (5);
         if    then  ;
       end  if
       if    then
         Compute by applying to ;
       end  if
     end  while
  end  while