Research Article

Multiobjective Personalized Recommendation Algorithm Using Extreme Point Guided Evolutionary Computation

Algorithm 1

Framework of MOEA-EPG.
 Input the training data, the test data, and a binary matrix R
 Set g=0, L=10, N=100, T=3000, K=0.5
 Cluster all the users U in the training data into four clusters with size ,
 Set with
for j=1 to 4
   Compute the similarities of different users in based on Eq. (7)
   for k=1 to
      Compute the available items of user , as recorded by the set
      for  =1 to Ns
       Compute the predict rating for user to item by Eq. (8)
    EPOP = Initialization(L, N, R, pr)
    while g T
        Epa = Objective_Func(EPOP)
        Epa = Fast_Non_Dominated_Sort(EPa)
        EPOP = Selection(EPOP, Epa)
        EPOP = Uniform_Crossover(EPOP)
        NPOP = Mutation(EPOP)
        POP =
        EPOP = Update(POP, Epa, N)
        g = g+1
    = EPOP
Return P