Research Article

Multiobjective Personalized Recommendation Algorithm Using Extreme Point Guided Evolutionary Computation

Algorithm 2

Input the population Epa
for each  pEpa
     Sp =, MP = 0
     for each  qEpa
     if (pq) then    // If p dominates q
     Sp = Sp    // Add q to the set of solutions dominated by p
     else if (qp) then
     MP = MP +1  // Increment the domination counter of p
       if  MP = 0 then    // p belongs to the first front
      = 1
     F1 = F1
i=1           // Initialize the front counter
while  Fi
   S =         // Used to store the members of the next front
   for each pFi
   for each qSp
     Mq = Mq -1
     if Mq = 0 then  // q belongs to the next front
     qrank = i+1
     H = H
i = i+1
Fi = H
Return Fi