Review Article

Survey on Complex Optimization and Simulation for the New Power Systems Paradigm

Table 9

Comparison of the main characteristics of some of the most relevant electricity market simulators.

WorkDemand responseDistributed generationAggregatorsGrid constraintsAgent learningMarket detailsOther

[141]+++Study of alternative market models; impact on German electricity market
[146]+++Double auction
[147]++Comparison of bidding strategies
[149]++Comparison of alternative market mechanisms
[150]+++++Wholesale, retail, and natural gas markets
[152]+++++Congestion management
[153]++++Models the old UK electricity market
[154]++Models GME—the Italian electricity market
[156]++++Realistic modeling of the Australian electricity market
[159]+++++++Models the US MISO, ISO-NE, NYISO, PJMB, CAISO, SPP, and ERCOT market areas
[160]++++++Market models of MIBEL, EPEX, and Nord poolDemand response, electric vehicles, and distributed generation are modeled through the connection to the MASGriP simulator
[164]++Models the Australia National Electricity Market (NEM)
[165]++Analysis of collusive strategies
[167]+Day-ahead auction-based market
[170]+++++Spot market and forward market
[171]++Balancing market
[172]+++Day-ahead simple auction and with uniform price