Research Article

Parallel Excitatory and Inhibitory Neural Circuit Pathways Underlie Reward-Based Phasic Neural Responses

Table 1

Model variables.

The activation level of ventral striatal neurons
The th CS input signal
The US input signal
CS-to-VS synaptic weights
Calcium signal
Above-baseline dopamine burst signal
Below-baseline dopamine dip signal
Striosomal metabotropic response
Striosomal activity buildup rate parameter
Striosomal calcium concentration
CS input-to-striosomal synaptic weights
The level of substance exciting PPTN
The level of GABA inhibiting PPTN
The level of substance exciting VP
The level of GABA inhibiting VP
The activation level of PPTN neurons
The activation level of VP neurons
The net effect of substance and GABA on PPTN
The net effect of substance and GABA on VP
The activation level of GPb neurons
The activation level of LHb neurons
The activation level of RMTg neurons
The activation level of DA neurons