Research Article

Large Group Decision-Making Approach Based on Stochastic MULTIMOORA: An Application of Doctor Evaluation in Healthcare Service

Table 1

Attributes for evaluating the performances on ability and reputation.


AbilityResearch levelResearch level is the ability of doctors to combine healthcare skills with actual summaries and sublimation. Usually it is associated with research projects and papers.
Healthcare abilityHealthcare ability is an important index of the professional level for the doctors.
EfficiencyEfficiency is an important index to evaluate work ability. Here, it refers to the ratio of the ease of a disease and time needed to treat it.
Error rateError rate is the probability that the doctors fail to treat. Usually, the better the doctors, the smaller the error rate.
ReputationServe attitudeServe attitude is the patience of doctors with patients. It is related to healthcare ethics.
ResponsibilityResponsibility is the embodiment of professional ethics of doctors, and it is the basic quality that doctor should have.
IntegrityIntegrity is the doctor’s quality of being honest and morally upright. It is an important embodiment of healthcare ethics.
Communication skillCommunication skill is the ability to perceive a patient’s disease and to communicate properly. Usually, doctors with good communication skills are more productive.