Research Article

Parallel Attribute Reduction Algorithm for Complex Heterogeneous Data Using MapReduce

Algorithm 3

Single condition attribute subset neighborhood-Map.
Input: Single condition attribute subset, C; the hash bucket B; and a data split Si
Output: <KEYM, VALUEM>
   //key represents whether the sample belongs to the positive region; let key of the sample in positive region be 1, and key of the sample in boundary be 0; value represents all samples’ ID that have the same key
  for each do
   let keyi=0 //assuming that this sample does not belongs to the positive region under C
   let value=the ID of and given that
   for each //traversing the hash bucket where a neighborhood probably exists
    if is the neighborhood of , but they have different decision attribute values
     let keyi=1
    end if
   end for
   <KEYM, VALUEM>=<KEYM, VALUEM> <keyi, valuei>
  end for