Research Article

Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Vulnerability of Land System from Complex Networks View: A Methodological Approach

Table 3

Node strengt and the division of the out-strength and in-strength in land system networks in different periods.

Land use type (code)Node strength (out-strength/in-strength)

Ecological lands
Paddy 353.09 (1.78)323.39 (1.03)180.64 (2.80)398.16 (3.48)330.78 (2.14)
Dryland 221.73 (1.12)216.09 (1.29)110.02 (2.63)219.81 (3.54)195.18 (2.06)
Woods (21)38.9 (2.56)23.21 (0.95)9.59 (1.90)23.92 (1.33)19.31 (1.33)
Shrub (22)4.99 (1.17)5.37 (1.21)1.97 (2.45)7.50 (0.75)4.56 (1.16)
Sparse woods (23)42.05 (1.22)39.79 (0.99)13.92 (1.54)42.96 (1.25)34.47 (1.3)
Other woods (24)5.37 (0.67)3.46 (0.46)6.27 (0.84)6.37 (4.78)4.64 (0.24)
High coverage grassland (31)9.69 (0.82)8.38 (1.16)8.29 (2.46)28.01 (0.44)10.47 (0.77)
Moderate coverage grassland (32)0.96 (0.78)2.94 (1.51)1.18 (2.82)2.72 (0.86)1.51 (1.19)
Low coverage grassland (33)0.27 (1.04)0.24 (1.27)0.31 (3.79)0.37 (18.67)0.19 (1.77)
River (41)19.31 (2.63)25.31 (1.09)42.66 (0.07)35.95 (1.19)13.17 (1.44)
Lake (42)122.7 (0.3)185.86 (5.87)110.75 (0.82)242.61 (2.08)45.43 (1.59)
Reservoir and pond (43)117.95 (0.73)150.94 (0.47)68.19 (0.61)276.98 (0.48)80.02 (1.51)
Wetland (64)26.41 (0.33)30.53 (8.22)5.63 (1.75)24.56 (1.63)6.57 (1.93)
Artificial lands
Urban land (51)54.94 (0.07)41.57 (2.1)80.59 (0.03)143.12 (0.06)32.22 (0.52)
Rural residential land (52)43.66 (0.74)50.57 (0.85)20.09 (0.35)35.56 (1.18)42.42 (0.75)
Other built-up land (53)23.58 (0.11)54.62 (0.1)55.85 (0.06)289.69 (0.36)234.68 (0.07)
River beach (46)52.56 (4.17)134.23 (0.14)93.77 (3.47)176.21 (0.36)31.83 (0.74)
Bare soil (65)2.82 (0.33)2.92 (2.27)3.15 (1.37)5.00 (4.29)1.91 (3.42)
Rocky land (66)0.02 (0.69)0.02 (1.65)0.01 (0)0.01 ()0.01 (0.96)

Note. The unit of node strength is km2; rocky land has no incoming weights (no other land transfer to rocky land during 2005–2010).