Research Article

Decentralized Competition Produces Nonlinear Dynamics Akin to Klinotaxis

Figure 2

(a) Sample trajectories from our navigation model moving from a specific point on the axis and , toward a specific target located at the point (0, 100) in distance units of one single step . Each panel shows three trajectories for a specific value of m ( on the left, in the middle, and on the right) and s ( on the top and on the bottom). For each trajectory, the number of steps is such that the system would get to the target if traveling along a straight line. Here, the population is . (b) Dependence of the average search time with the number of agents for and . Data points are averaged over 104 realizations with randomized initial conditions of winning history and strategy distribution. The initial system-target separation is . Error bars are fluctuations. For all cases, we have used .