Research Article

Hybridizing Evolutionary Computation and Deep Neural Networks: An Approach to Handwriting Recognition Using Committees and Transfer Learning

Algorithm 1

Definition of the grammar in Backus-Naur Form for the MNIST dataset. Source: Baldominos et al. [3].
<dnn> <input>  <conv_lys>  <dense_lys>  <opt_setup>
<input> <batch_size>
<batch_size> 25 | 50 | 100 | 150
<conv_lys> <conv> | <conv>  <conv> | <conv>  <conv>  <conv>
<conv> <n_kernels>  <k_size>  <act_fn>  <pooling>
<n_kernels> 8 | 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256
<k_size> 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<pooling> null | <p_size>
<p_size> 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
<dense_lys> <dense> | <dense>  <dense> | <dense>  <dense>  <dense>
<dense> <d_type>  <n_units>  <act_fn>  <reg_fn>  <dropout_r>
<d_type> rnn | lstm | gru | feedforward
<n_units> 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024
<act_fn> relu | linear
<reg_fn> null | l1 | l2 | l1l2
<dropout_r> 0 | 0.5
<opt_setup> <opt_type>  <learn_rate>  <batch_size>
<opt_type> sgd | nesterov | momentum | adagrad | adamax | adam | adadelta | rmsprop
<learn_rate> 5E-1 | 1E-1 | 5E-2 | 1E-2 | 5E-3 | 1E-3