Research Article

A Constrained Solution Update Strategy for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition

Algorithm 1

CSU(P, O, N), constrained solution update.

(1) Get and respectively from P and O with Eqs. (3)-(4)
(2) for  i=1 to  N
(3) if  !=0
(4) if  ==0
(5) find one solution x with the minimal value in Eq. (2) from  
(6) add x into
(7) find one agent with the largest number of solutions
(8) remove one solution with the worst value in Eq. (2) from  
(9) else
(10) let and set as an empty set
(11) sort the solutions in U ascendingly using the aggregated values in Eq. (2)
(12) select the first solutions from U to compose a new
(13) end if
(14) end if
(15) end for
(16) collect all the to compose a new P
(17) if each is not empty
(18) status=True // solution assignment is under the stable status
(19) end if
(20) return [P,  status]