Research Article

A Multiobjective Brain Storm Optimization Algorithm Based on Decomposition

Pseudocode 2

The pseudo code of the algorithm MBSO/D.
MOP (1)
A stopping criterion
: the number of direction vectors (the clusters)
: the size of the cluster
: the number of the neighborhood,
: a set of uniformly distributed weight vectors
Output: Objective vectors:
Initialization: Generate an initial population determine ; randomly cluster
the initial population into clusters with size and determine the
best solution of each cluster; determine , where
are the closest weight vectors to ; set
While the function evaluation times are less than the maximum function evaluation times do
Set and
For , do
According to Eq. (4), randomly select two indexes and , use , and to generate offspring
by Eq. (5).
If dominates , is regenerated by Eq. (6).
Update of : For , if , then set
Update of Neighboring Solutions: set and
While and
randomly select a number from , set ,
, and .
If generated by one cluster
End if
End if
End while
End for
Use Eq. (3) to update .
end for
end while