Research Article

Analytical Fuzzy Predictive Control Applied to Wastewater Treatment Biological Processes

Algorithm 4

Control algorithm for FMBPC implementation.
Repeat at each kth instant (sampling period, ):
Step 1. Update the current premise vector. Measurement of
    all the necessary variables for the determination of
    the current premise or antecedent vector, :
Step 2. Update the state matrices. The TS fuzzy model was
    formalized in the form of linear time-varying state space
    equations, and the state matrices depend on the current
    premise vector. Therefore, at each instant, the following
    parameters must be updated, using (14):
Step 3. Calculate the predicted model outputs. The use of a
    model to predict future behaviour is essential in MPC.
    By means of the appropriate mathematical treatment,
    the outputs predicted by the model can be calculated. In
    our case, using (18), we will get:
Step 4. Compute the current control action. By establishing
    the desired behaviour of our system through the previous
    definition of certain reference trajectories, which must
    be followed by the outputs of the plant, and applying
    principles of PFC, we can determine the expression of
    the necessary control action to achieve such behaviour.
    Thus, using (36), we will obtain:
Step 5. Apply the calculated control action to WWTP.