Research Article

A Novel MOEA/D for Multiobjective Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Algorithm 1

Algorithm DMOEA/D.

: the number of sub-problems used in DMOEA/D;
: the set of uniform spread weight vectors;
H: the size of neighborhood of each weight vector;
Set , initialize population ;
Set , , initialize , where ;
Compute the Euclidean distances between any two weight vectors and figure out the H closest ones of each weight vector;
Set , where are the H closest weight vectors to .
While(the stopping criterion is not met)
  Randomly select three different neighbors xa, xb, and xc from E(j);
  Generate the mutated solution xv from xa, xb, and xc;
  Generate the trial solution xu from xj and xv; Amend xu;
    Set ;
   // End For
  For (each index )
    Set ; ;
   // End For
  Remove all the vectors dominated by F(xu) from EP;
  If(there is no vector dominates F(xu) and F(xu) do not exist in EP)
   Add F(xu) into EP;
// End For
// End While
Output EP