Research Article

Community Detection with Self-Adapting Switching Based on Affinity

Figure 3

Flowchart of the algorithm with self-adapting switching (i.e., the SAS algorithm) based on affinity. The green area in the left is part of the algorithm SAS-1. (a) The SAS-1 starts from hub nodes and gradually searches their nodes in the same community. (b) After the end of one community detection, the nodes and edges of this community will be deleted in the network, and new network data will be provided for the following detection. The red area in the right is part of the algorithm SAS-2. (c-d) Once the algorithm satisfies the switch condition, the SAS-2 will use the combination of two affinities to detect communities one by one. (e) Different from SAS-1, SAS-2 does not delete communities having been detected.