Research Article

Simulation Research on Safe Flow Rate of Bidirectional Crowds Using Bayesian-Nash Equilibrium

Table 1

Brief summary of recent studies on pedestrian flow.

ArticleMethodologyFocus of ResearchPre-emergency /Post-emergency

[10]Visual intelligence & ABEstimate evaluation timePre-emergency
[11]Decision support system & ABSafety evaluationPre-emergency
[16]Artificial Neural NetworkRoute choice behaviorPre-emergency
[17]Combination of macroscopic model and microscopic modelPrediction of evacuation timePre-emergency
[18]Fuzzy logic& microscopic simulationModel researchPre-emergency
[19]Multi-grid method & CACharacteristics of unidirectional pedestrian flowsPre-emergency
[20]Toy model & microscopic simulationBidirectional pedestrian flowPre-emergency
[21]Improved CAWalking Strategies of Bidirectional PedestriansPre-emergency
[22]Monte-Carlo simulation & Game TheoryPedestrian Group-Crossing BehaviorPre-emergency
[6]Modified social force modelInfluence of information transmissionPost-emergency
[8]Improved cellular automaton modelInfluence of route changes and group fieldsPost-emergency
[23]GA & microscopic pedestrian simulationOptimal evacuation planPost-emergency
[24]Game theory & CAInfluence of cooperation and psychological factorsPost-emergency
[25]Local optimal decision & SFEvacuationsPost-emergency
[26]Game theory & ABModel researchPost-emergency
[27]Experiments & improved force-based model simulationImpact of vision on uni- and bi-directional flowsPost-emergency
[28]Experimental studyRelationship between crowd density and crawling movementsPost-emergency
[29]Surveys, evacuation experiments & statistical analysesExit choices for pedestrian crowd evacueesPost-emergency
[30]Improved cellular automaton modelGroup InfluencePost-emergency
[31]Probabilistic model & Latin Hypercube Sampling methodEvacuation safety evaluationPost-emergency
[32]Evolving network & CADecision-making process and cooperative behaviorPost-emergency
[33]Fuzzy theory & LGInfluence of information transmission on crowdsPost-emergency
[34]Grouping algorithm & SFInfluence of GroupsPost-emergency
[35]Cost potential field & CAInfluence of behavior variationsPost-emergency
[36]Driving-forces model & ABInfluence of moving threatsPost-emergency
[37]Improved cellular automaton modelEffect of psychological tensionPost-emergency
[38]Empirical studyInfluence of social groupsPost-emergency
[39]Route learning method & modified social force modelFactors for evacuation efficiencyPost-emergency

In the table, AB is short for agent based model, CA is short for cellular automata model, LG is short for lattice gas model, and SF is short for social force model.