Research Article

An Adaptive Network Model to Simulate Consensus Formation Driven by Social Identity Recognition

Figure 6

Degree distribution of the BA network in different similarity thresholds. We conducted many experiments on the BA network and obtained its degree distribution. We mainly selected the evolution results of 2000 iterations when θ is equal to 0, 0.15, 0.3, 0.45, and 0.6. When θ is greater than 0.6, the evolution result is similar to the result of θ = 0.6. The blue scatter plot shows the degree distribution when θ = 0, which is the degree distribution of the initial network. The green scatter plot is the degree distribution when θ = 0.15. A scatter plot indicates that it follows a power-law distribution. When θ > 0.15, the original distribution is destroyed and gradually becomes a lognormal distribution, and we use a curve to represent the changing trend of this lognormal distribution. The blue, orange, and green curves, respectively, represent the degree distribution when θ is equal to 0.3, 0.45, and 0.6.