Research Article

Study on Evolution and Interaction of Service Industry Agglomeration and Efficiency of Hebei Province China

Table 4

GMM estimation results of PVAR model.

VariableModel (1)Model (2)Model (3)

L1. Lnlq0.393 (0.008)0.558 (0.003)0.407 (0.002)0.313 (0.008)0.289 (0.027)−0.245 (0.000)
L1. Lntec0.063 (0.529)−0.272 (0.020)
L1. Lnpec0.065 (0.458)−0.183 (0.534)
L1. Lntch0.074 (0.311)−0.026 (0.521)

Note: L1 represents a lag period; , , and represent significant levels of 10%, 5%, and 1%, respectively.