Research Article

Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Based on Biological Forgetting Mechanism

Algorithm 1

Forgotten-based clonal selection algorithm.
Input: (the size of the population), n (the number of antibodies selected for cloning), (the number of clones), m (the degree of variation), c (Rac1 protein activity threshold)
Output: the best antibody
(2)Randomly generate N antibodies to form the initial candidate set
(3)while not meet algorithm termination conditions do
(4) Calculate the affinity of each antibody for antigen in the candidate set and record antibody survival time
(5) Sort the antibodies in the candidate set according to their affinity, and put the best n antibodies into the antibody set
(7)  Update the value of the appropriate memory of antibody : . See CLONING METHOD, clone antibody according to and , and put all antibodies obtained by cloning into antibody set
(8)end for
(10)  See VARIATION METHOD, according to the degree of variation m and the affinity of the antibody for the antigen to mutate
(11)  if antibody is a variant antibody
(12)   The survival time , The appropriate memory intensity
(13)  end if
(14)end for
(15) Select the N antibodies with the highest antigen affinity in and to replace the N antibodies in Ab
(16) See FORGETTING METHOD, calculate the Rac1 protein activity of each antibody in Ab according to the ratio of to
(17)if antibody Rac1 protein activity > threshold
(18)  forget the antibody
(19)end if
(20)end while
(21)Choose the best antibody as the final output