Research Article

DeepFusion: Fusing User-Generated Content and Item Raw Content towards Personalized Product Recommendation

Table 1

A summary of key notations.


A user
A item
The dimension of word embedding
The length of user review
User ’s review text consisting of words
Word vectors of user
The number of neurons in the convolution layer
The - kernel in the convolution layer
The window size of convolution kernel
The - feature map in the convolutional layer
The bias of - convolutional kernel
The output of neuron in the convolutional layer
The output of the pooling layer
The weight matrix of the fully connected layer
The bias of the fully connected layer
The dense vector of the ID embeddings of user or item
The dense vector of price range of item
The price feature of item
The brand feature of item
The title feature of item
The description feature of item
The concatenate of vector , and
The latent features of users in the context of reviews
The latent features of users in the context of ratings
The latent features of items in the context of reviews
The latent features of items in the context of ratings
The latent features of items in the context of item metadata
, The latent features of users and items, respectively
The concatenate of vector and
The predicted value of user on item
The ground-truth value of user on item
The dropout ratio
The number of latent factors
, Regularization parameters of user and item, respectively
The learning rate
The batch size
A percentage of the length of a review
A percentage of the number of vocabulary