Review Article

A Multi-Index Generative Adversarial Network for Tool Wear Detection with Imbalanced Data

Table 2

Multi-index decision-making algorithm.

Algorithm 2
Require: mean of -norm, CORT, fake-level score of normal signals, and fake-level score of
the generated signal, denoted as , , , and . Standard deviation of -norm,
CORT, fake-level score of normal signals, and fake-level score of the generated signal, denoted as
, , , and . Input signals , pretrained Generator , and pretrained
Generator .
(1) Invert to the latent space to search noises using Algorithm 1.
(2) Generate a batch of signals: .
(3) Calculate the -norm and CORT between and based on (4) and (5).
(4) Compute the fake-level scores of and , i.e., and , based on the discriminator
(5) Subtract thresholds:
(10) Scale the indexes:
(15) Combine the indexes:
(17) If:
(18) Input signals are normal.
(19) Else:
(20) Input signals are abnormal.