Research Article

Evolutionary Dendritic Neural Model for Classification Problems

Algorithm 1

Cuckoo search algorithm.
(1)Objective function , ;
(2)Initial a population of host nests ;
(3)while Stop Criterion do
(4) Lay an egg by cuckoo and put it into a nest randomly by adopting Lévy flights;
(5) Evaluate the quality of the nest ;
(6) Randomly choose one of host nests ();
(8)  Replace by the new solution ;
(9)end if
(10) Abandon a part of the worse nests with the probability ;
(11) Apply Lévy flights to generate new nests;
(12) Evaluate the quality of the new nests;
(13) Rank the nests to find the current best one;
(14) Update: replace by ;
(15)end while