Research Article

Modeling Periodic HFMD with the Effect of Vaccination in Mainland China

Table 1

Descriptions and values of parameters in system (1).

Para.ValueInterpretation (units)Source

The monthly number of children entering the age of 6–71 months (/month)[38]
DProgression rate leaving the children group aged 6–71 months (/month)[38]
0.56Proportion of infectious individuals, without vaccination, caused by HFMD-associated enteroviruses except EV71 (none)[39]
μDisease-related death rate of HFMD (/month)[8, 9]
p0.23Vaccinated rate for children aged 6–71 months (/month)Fitting
Rate from to (/month)[24]
Rate from to (/month)Assumption
4/30Average incubation period (/month)[2]
ρ0.23Proportion of symptomatic infectious individuals (none)Fitting
3.53Recovery rate of symptomatic infectious individuals containing and (/month)[2]
3.46Recovery rate of asymptomatic infectious individuals containing and (/month)Fitting
The baseline contact rate of symptomatic infectious individuals containing and (none)Fitting
0.12The magnitude of forcing of symptomatic infectious individuals containing and (none)Fitting
0.22The magnitude of forcing of symptomatic infectious individuals containing and (none)Fitting
0.03The magnitude of forcing of symptomatic infectious individuals containing and (none)Fitting
0.15The magnitude of forcing of symptomatic infectious individuals containing and (none)Fitting
The baseline contact rate of asymptomatic infectious individuals containing and (none)Fitting
0.08The magnitude of forcing of asymptomatic infectious individuals containing and (none)Fitting
0.19The magnitude of forcing of asymptomatic infectious individuals containing and (none)Fitting
0.13The magnitude of forcing of asymptomatic infectious individuals containing and (none)Fitting