Research Article

A Method for Parameters Estimation in a Dynamical Model of Ebola Virus Transmission in Sierra Leone

Algorithm 1

Parameter estimation of GA.
(1)Parameter length is determined according to parameter range.
(2)Each parameter is represented by a chromosome of length to get a complete parameters set .
(3)Initialize all parameters set, .
(4)Evaluate the fitness of each using .
(5)for Constant do
(7)  Sort allocation fitness in an ascending order.
(8)  .
(9)  .
(10)end if
(11) Randomly add an initialization parameter to replace one of the
(12)if max close to average do
(13)  Mutation probability
(14)end if
(15) Randomly select .
(16) Cross over and according to , .
(17) Perform mutation on and according to .
(19) Evaluate fitness .
(21)  .
(22)end if
  (24)  Multiple crossover and variation.
(25)end if
(26) Find the best parameters set in this generation that satisfies .
(27)end for
(28)Find the best parameters set that satisfies .