Research Article

An Evolutionary Algorithm with Clustering-Based Assisted Selection Strategy for Multimodal Multiobjective Optimization

Algorithm 1

Algorithm 1: General framework.
Input: N (the number of solutions in population)
Output: P (final population)
(1) initialize a population P
(2) initialize weight vectors
(3)while the stopping criterion is not met
(4)  P' = Crossover + Mutation (P)
(5)  U = PP′
(6)  (F1, …, Ft) = Non-dominated Sorting (U)
(7) normalize U
(8)  (C1, …, CK) = DBSCAN (U, ε, MinPts)
(9)  P = Addition Operator//Algorithm 2
(10)  normalize P
(11)  () = Association Process (P, W)//Algorithm 3
(12)  P = Deletion Operator//Algorithm 4
(13)end while
(14)return P