Research Article

A Multiswarm Intelligence Algorithm for Expensive Bound Constrained Optimization Problems

Algorithm 1

The framework of the multiswarm intelligence algorithm.
Initialization Process of the Multiswarm Intelligence Algorithm
(1): number of Swarms/size of the population set;
(2): number of decision variables or dimension of the search space;
(3): lower bound of the search space;
(4): upper bound of the search space;
(5): maximum number of generations;
(6): generation counter;
(8)Evaluate the initial Population,
(9)Select solution among solutions based on their minimum objective function value.
Evolutionary Process of Multi-Swarm Intelligence Based Algorithm
(10) = 1;
(13)  ifthen
(17)  else
(22)  end if
(23)  Evaluation the offspring Population,
(24)  ifthen
(26)  else
(28)  end if
(29)  Update for next generation of population evolution.
(30)end for
(32)end while