Review Article

Deep CNN and Deep GAN in Computational Visual Perception-Driven Image Analysis

Table 7

Comparisons of images generated by D-GAN variants.

Type of D-GANEpoch 10Training lossesEpoch 100Training lossesCharacteristicsShortcomings

D-GANGenerator-discriminator framework via a minimax game where samples are directly generated.The model parameters oscillate, destabilize, and never converge.
DCGANIt uses convolutional stride and transposed convolution for the downsampling and the upsampling.Gradients disappear or explode.
CGANConditional generation of images.CGAN is not strictly unsupervised. Some labeling is required for it to work strictly.
LSGANIt creates high-quality images compared to the GAN. It is more stable during training.Additional computational cost.
WGANStability of learning and overcomes the mode collapse problem.The difficulty in the WGAN is to enforce the Lipschitz constraint.