Research Article

Vehicle Type Recognition Algorithm Based on Improved Network in Network

Algorithm 1

Partial source code of optimized NIN.
input_shape: Input shape of network, default as (224,224,3)
nclass: Numbers of class (output shape of network), default as 1000
Output: Optimized NIN model
The optimized NIN model is established according to the following steps:
Step 1: Build two residual blocks including 384 convolution kernels
     Build two convolution layers
     Build Max pool layer
Step 2: Build two residual blocks including 384 convolution kernels
     Build two convolution layers
     Build Max pool layer
Step 3: Build residual block including 384 convolution kernels
     Build two convolution layers
     Build Max pool layer
Step 4: Build residual block including 1024 convolution kernels
     Build two convolution layers
Step 5: Build GAP layers
     return model