Review Article

Industry 4.0-Driven Development of Optimization Algorithms: A Systematic Overview

Table 5

I40-relevant application areas of optimization algorithms.

KeywordDescriptionIllustrative applicationsNumber of relevant papers

ControlIt helps to achieve and increase a consistent, economical, and safe production levelController for mobile robot path tracking [65]340
A control strategy for smart energy charging [66]

PlanningIt is a preparatory step before manufacturing which optimizes several sequences of operationsAutomating production planning and control in manufacturing [67]138
Operation planning of renewable energy [68]

SchedulingIt gives the optimal allocation of the available resources in the given workflowsLine balancing and AGV scheduling [59]137
Machine scheduling [69]

MaintenanceIt defines optimization tasks for preventing the failure of expensive manufacturing equipmentDigital twin-driven autonomous maintenance [60]91
Sensor-based maintenance policies [70]

Energy efficiencyIt helps to reduce the energy consumption of the manufacturing processes based on optimization techniquesOptimization of greenhouse production process [71]32
Energy-efficient scheduling by collaboration between cyber-physical production and energy systems [72]

TopologyIt gives an answer as to how to place some materials on a given surface to obtain the best structural performanceTopology optimization of an automotive dashboard [73]14
Manufacturing redesign of a piece of military aircraft equipment [74]

Planning and schedulingIt is an integrated optimization of manufacturing process planning and schedulingIntegrated planning and scheduling problem in parallel is solved by a metaheuristic approach [75]12
Cloud-based intelligent dynamic planning and scheduling system [76]

Lean managementIt focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing productivity within manufacturing systems simultaneouslyProcess optimization by lean management [77]9
Business process optimizationIt can increase the efficiency of the production, delivery, and operational processes amongst others in industrial environmentsImproving production processes [78]5
Optimal controlIt is an optimization of control processes and subsystems to support an efficient operationScheduling flexibly configurable jobs [52]5
Resource optimizationIt helps align available resources with the maximum efficiency of goalsResource optimization of industrial processes [79]2