Research Article

Predicting Spread Probability of Learning-Effect Computer Virus

Algorithm 4

1-lag_Temporal_Vector (X).
(i)STEP L0. Let FLAG(V) = false for all V ∈ V, FLAG(TARGET) = true, t = 1, L0 = {TARGET}, and L1 = ∅.
(ii)STEP L1. Let Tu = t, FLAG(u) = true, and Lt = Lt ∪ {u}, where for all L(Xu) = v, for all v ∈ Lt-1, and FLAG(u) = false.
(iii)STEP L2. If Lt = ∅, halt and return the information that X is infeasible.
(iv)STEP L3. If FLAG(v) = true for all v ∈ V, halt and return the information that X is feasible.
(v)STEP L4. Let t = t + 1, Lt = ∅, and go to STEP L1.