Research Article

KPDR : An Effective Method of Privacy Protection

Algorithm 1

Dirichlet construction based on POI.
Input: POI List
Output: Dirichlet diagram focusing on POI
(1) Initialize the triangle list
(2) Determine the super triangle
(3) Add super triangle vertices to the end of the POI List
(4) Add the super triangle to the triangle list
(5)for each sample point in the POI List
(6)  Initialize the edge buffer
(7)  for each triangle currently in the triangle list
(8)   Calculate the triangle circumcircle center and radius
(9)   if the point lies in the triangle circumcircle then
(10)    Add three triangle edges to the edge buffer
(11)    Remove the triangle from the triangle list
(12)   endif
(13)  end for
(14)  Delete all doubly specified edges from the edge buffer, this leaves the edges of the enclosing polygon only
(15)  Add to the triangle list all triangles formed between the point and the edges of the enclosing polygon
(16)end for
(17) Remove any triangles from the triangle list that use the super triangle vertices
(18) Remove the super triangle vertices from the POIList
(19) Connect and get Dirichlet