Research Article

A Novel Stacking Heterogeneous Ensemble Model with Hybrid Wrapper-Based Feature Selection for Reservoir Productivity Predictions

Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1: Proposed reservoir productivity forecast model.
(ii) Training dataset1 ,  = 1, …, , where are the initial features and is the size of the training set;
(iii) Training dataset2 ,  = 1, …, , where are the main features and is the size of the training set;
(iv) Base-regressors , , …, , where is the number of base-regressors;
(vi) Stacking heterogeneous ensemble regressor ;
(1)for do
(2)  Train base-regressor on ;
(3)end for
(4)for each do
(5)  Construct new dataset of predictions, where ; Train a meta-regressor on .
(6)end for
(7)for eachdo
(8)  Train base-regressor on ;
(9)end for
(10)for eachdo
(11)  Construct new dataset of predictions, where ; Train a meta-regressor on .
(12)end for
(13)for each do
(14)  Construct new dataset of predictions, where ; Train a meta-regressor on .
(15)end for