Research Article

A Novel Stacking Heterogeneous Ensemble Model with Hybrid Wrapper-Based Feature Selection for Reservoir Productivity Predictions

Table 1

Parameters and abbreviations for the input and target variables.

Parameter typeParameterAbbreviation

Input variablesEffective thicknessET
Showing thicknessST
Total hydrocarbonTH
Gamma rayGR
Compensated sonicCS
Compensated neutronCN
Compensated densityCD
Deep lateral resistivityDLR
Short lateral resistivitySLR
The difference of depth lateral resistivityDDLR
The ratio of depth lateral resistivityRDLR
Water saturationWS
Formation reserve coefficientFRC
Gas reserve coefficientGRC
Gelled acidGA
The volume of injected liquidVIL
Injection ratesIR
Tubing pressureTuP
Stopped pump pressureSPP
Pressure decline speedPDS
Flow-back rateFR

Target variablesThe test productionTP