Research Article

An Efficient Recommendation Algorithm Based on Heterogeneous Information Network

Algorithm 1

HGCR algorithm.
Input: heterogeneous information network, evaluation matrix R;
Learning rate adjustment parameter regular parameter
Output: Hidden Factors for Users and Entities
(1)for r= 1 to R do
(2)forto N do
(3)  Use Equation (8) to obtain the representation of neighbor nodes
(4)end for
(5)end for
(7)initialize with standard normal distribution
(8)while not convergent do
(9)  Randomly select a triple
(10)  updateby MF;
(11)  for l= 1 todo
(12)   calculation
(13)   Update
(14)  end for
(15)  Update
(16)  for l= 1 todo
(17)   calculation
(18)   Update
(19)  end for
(20)  update
(21)end while