Research Article

A Novel BBO Algorithm Based on Local Search and Nonuniform Variation for Iris Classification

Algorithm 1

The main procedure of NBBO.
Algorithmic parameters setting:
Population size = 50,
Maximum number of iterations G = 500,
Maximum immigration rate ,
Maximum emigration rate ,
Mutation probability ,
Number of elites retained .
  / Initialization /
Random generation of a set of initial habitats constitutes the initial population.
Calculate the fitness value of each habitat in the population.
/ is the condition for the end of the iteration /
Sort the habitat in descending order according to the fitness value.
The immigration rate and emigration rate of each habitat were calculated according to formula (1).
   / End of initialization/
  / Migration /
 Select according to the immigration probability
/ is dimension /
    Select according to the migration probability
   Randomly select a characteristic variable from
   Replace a random characteristic variable in with
   Perform a local search on the characteristic variable
    according to formula (6) can get .
   Replace random characteristic variable in with .
  end if
 end for
end for
  / End of migration /
  / Mutation /
 Calculate the probability of mutation according to and
 Selection of unmutated habitat based on
  Replace with a randomly generated by formula (8)
    Replace with a randomly generated by (9)
   end if
  end if
 end if
end for
/ End of mutation /
    Recalculate the habitat fitness values
end while