Research Article

Swarm Robot Exploration Strategy for Path Formation Tasks Inspired by Physarum polycephalum

Algorithm 1

Gradient mechanism. GRADIENT_MAX is infinity.
gradient_value (self) ← GRADIENT_MAX
SOURCE_TYPE(self) ← Robot_Food
//Store the minimum gradient value from Robot_Nest in the neighbor neighbor_min_gradient_1 ← GRADIENT_MAX
//Store the minimum gradient value from Robot_Nest in the neighbor neighbor_min_gradient_2 ← GRADIENT_MAX
for all neighbors n do
if SOURCE_TYPE (n) ← Robot_Nest then
  if (then neighbor_min_gradient_1 > gradient_value (n))
   neighbor_min_gradient_1 ← neighbor_min_gradient_1
  if (then neighbor_min_gradient_2 > gradient_value (n))
   neighbor_min_gradient_1 ← neighbor_min_gradient_2
//Update the gradient and SOURCE_TYPE
if neighbor_min_gradient_1 GRADIENT_MAX then//exist the gradient from Robot_Nest
 SOURCE_TYPE (self) ← Robot_Nest
 gradient_value (self) ← neighbor_min_gradient_1 + 1
 transmit gradient_value (self)
else if neighbor_min_gradient_2  GRADIENT_MAX then
 SOURCE_TYPE (self) ← Robot_Food
 gradient_value (self) ← neighbor_min_gradient_2 + 1
 transmit gradient_value (self)