Research Article

The New Novel Discrete Distribution with Application on COVID-19 Mortality Numbers in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Latvia

Table 4

Rbias and MSE for parameter of DEOWE distribution by using MLE when .

0.5200.252 20.083 10.418 60.189 20.950 40.588 5
0.005 11.021 80.017 11.796 80.080 24.372 6
0.189 80.043 40.073 00.179 2−0.197 00.723 0
400.233 10.048 50.379 30.105 10.878 90.405 9
0.011 60.756 30.009 01.020 90.091 92.799 3
−0.023 80.010 7−0.097 00.080 2−0.247 70.644 4
700.234 50.031 80.399 80.080 90.874 50.332 1
0.002 10.600 40.017 40.690 80.091 32.181 8
−0.108 80.004 7−0.177 60.048 3−0.301 70.517 1
1000.233 70.026 00.392 90.067 60.883 60.297 9
0.004 70.238 60.013 00.609 80.118 21.928 7
−0.141 40.002 1−0.202 30.037 8−0.342 30.463 8

1.5200.242 50.274 50.521 31.015 60.833 82.409 0
0.042 01.460 50.072 53.340 7−0.013 71.945 9
−0.090 80.001 6−0.259 60.031 7−0.427 00.669 7
400.183 00.137 50.484 20.760 10.852 92.258 9
0.011 10.280 10.072 02.463 6−0.035 71.429 4
−0.102 30.001 0−0.278 30.025 4−0.470 20.662 9
700.179 40.125 30.468 90.701 40.847 41.938 5
0.013 60.275 80.047 42.127 6−0.028 11.145 3
−0.103 90.000 7−0.274 20.021 4−0.508 40.599 1
1000.180 40.103 90.456 90.632 30.840 41.773 8
0.012 50.257 00.019 00.749 1−0.031 40.696 5
−0.112 00.000 7−0.277 80.020 2−0.514 80.607 5
5200.040 10.277 50.126 00.679 00.272 72.233 7
−0.016 60.316 1−0.083 40.526 4−0.300 32.873 7
−0.106 20.000 4−0.265 60.019 1−0.525 30.626 5
400.008 10.021 40.156 30.887 50.257 81.898 9
−0.004 90.014 4−0.091 30.628 0−0.272 02.189 7
−0.100 40.000 3−0.271 80.019 1−0.525 10.623 1
700.060 80.334 80.116 80.532 60.246 91.819 5
−0.009 60.346 3−0.070 70.236 6−0.230 12.075 9
−0.101 60.000 3−0.264 80.017 9−0.452 90.613 0
1000.031 60.114 00.106 30.581 50.238 81.514 2
−0.009 90.073 0−0.067 40.444 7−0.229 91.835 1
−0.102 00.000 3−0.263 10.017 7−0.415 30.563 6