Research Article

Top-Tier Maternity and Children Specialist Smart Medical Care and Innovative 5G Outpatient Service Model

Table 2

MDT clinic based on the characteristics of fetal medicine platform.

MDT clinic before pregnancyMDT clinic during pregnancyIntegrated disciplines

Fertility assessment and fertility treatment/recurrent abortion MDTGenetic disease diagnosis and high-risk prenatal diagnosis MDT for health and disease screeningObstetric
Pediatric cardiovascular department
Pediatric surgery
Radiology department
Antenatal diagnostic center

PGD/PGS MDTThe fetus has congenital heart disease MDTBirth defects center ultrasound

Decrease of ovarian reserve function MDTReproductive medicine
New pediatric
Pediatric neurology department

Female fertility preservation MDTAbnormal fetal development MDTRehabilitation medicine
Clinical laboratory

Fertility in patients with endometriosis protects MDT