Research Article

A Combined Prediction Model for Hog Futures Prices Based on WOA-LightGBM-CEEMDAN

Table 5

Parameters setting.

ModelParameters setting

CEEMDANTrials = 100; epsilon = 0.005
EEMDTrials = 100; noise_width = 0.05
WOA-LightGBMn_estimators = 18; learning_rate = 0.027; max_depth = 10; num_leaves = 9
WOA-XGBoostn_estimators = 38; learning_rate = 0.064; colsample_bytree = 0.3015; max_depth = 54; subsample = 0.2258
WOA-GBDTn_estimators = 10; learning_rate = 0.1002; min_samples_leaf = 10; max_depth = 12; min_samples_split = 4
ELMNumber of nodes in the hidden layer: 10
BPNNNumber of nodes in the hidden layer: 8
SVRC = 40; gamma = 36
WOANumber of iterations: 100; population size: 10
GWONumber of iterations: 100; population size: 10