Research Article

How Technological Innovation Influences Environmental Pollution: Evidence from China

Table 1

Comprehensive index system of technological innovation.

The total systemFirst-level indexThe secondary index

Technological innovation systemThe environment of technological innovationThe proportion of the economically active population with a junior college degree or above (%), GDP per capita (%), the proportion of funding for science and technology in financial funding (%), the Internet penetration rate (%)
Investment in technological innovationFull-time equivalent of R&D personnel per 10,000 people, proportion of R&D expenditure to GDP (%), proportion of enterprises with R&D institutions (%), internal expenditure of R&D, expenditure of large and medium-sized high-tech enterprises (ten thousand yuan)
Output of technological innovationNumber of scientific and technological papers (papers), number of patent authorization (items), technology market turnover (100 million yuan)
Achievements of technological innovationSales income of new products (10,000 yuan), export of high-tech products accounting for delivery value (100 million yuan), energy consumption per unit GDP (tons of standard coal/10,000 yuan), labor productivity (10,000 yuan/person)