Research Article

Immunokinetic Model for COVID-19 Patients

Table 1

Information of the parameters.

Par.DescriptionUnitsValue rangeSource

S replication rate1/day[2.86, 7.07][29]
Maximum Sml/(RNA copies)[1e − 010, 1e − 09][29]
Virus lysis by CD T cells rate1/day[0.01, 0.4]Estimated
Virus death rate by NK cellsml/cell(day)[1.2e − 11, 2e − 010]Estimated
Natural death rate of virus1/day[0.0001, 0.1]Estimated
CD T cells proliferationcell/ml (day)[50 1500][46]
CD T cell activation1/day[0.001, 0.032]Estimated
CD T recruitment rate by virus lysed by NKml/(RNA copies) (day)[2.1e − 06, 8.4e − 005]Estimated
CD T inactivation rate by virusml/(RNA copies) (day)[1.1e − 10, 9.5e − 10]Estimated
Natural death rate of T cells1/day[0.001, 0.08][47]
NK cells proliferationcell/ml (day)[7, 200][43]
NK cells activation1/day[0.001, 0.02]Estimated
Inactivation NK cells rateml/(RNA copy) (day)[1.1e − 06, 9.09e − 05]Estimated
NK cells death rate1/day[4.2e − 02, 0.15][44, 45]
Steepness coefficient of virus lysis by T cells[0.01, 1][43]
Steepness coefficient of NK recruitment[1e + 03, 1e + 06]Estimated
Fractional virus kill power[9.1e − 01, 9.9e − 01]Estimated
Michaelis-Menten order2[47]