Research Article

An Approach for Demand Forecasting in Steel Industries Using Ensemble Learning

Table 3

Different machine learning techniques with hyperparameters to be tuned by the grid search algorithm during cross-validation.


SVRRegularization parameter of the error term
KernelKernel types applied in the algorithmLinear, polynomial, RBF
EpsilonBorder of tolerance
GammaKernel coefficient for rbf

RFRn_estimatorsNumber of trees in a forest
CriterionMeasurement of the quality of a splitmae or mse
max_depthHighest depth of the tree
min_samples_leafLeast number of instances needed to split an internal node
min_samples_splitLeast number of instances needed to be at a leaf node

MLPinitial_learning_rateLearning rate value at the starting point of training
SolverUsed for weight optimizationlbfgs, sgd, Adam
learning_rate_adjustmentLearning the rate adjustment depending on the cost function’s current valueConstant, adaptive
hidden_layer_sizesLayer: Number of layers between input and output layers
Neurons: Number of hidden layer neurons
activation_functionsOutput of each neuronLogistic, tanh, relu
Alpha ( penalty)Reduces the influence of input parameters

ELMn_neuronsNumber of hidden layer neurons
activation_functionsTransformation function of hidden layer neuronsrelu
AlphaRegularization strength

GBRn_estimatorsNumber of boosting stages to carry out
max_featuresNumber of features while considering the best splitSqrt
min_samples_leafLeast number of instances needed to be at a leaf node
max_depthUtmost depth of individual regression estimators
learning_rateShrinks the contribution of each tree
LossLoss function based on order information of input variablesls, lad, huber, quantile

XGBRcosample_bytreeSubsample ratio of columns while building each tree
SubsampleSubsample ratio of training samples
reg_lamda regularization On weight
reg_alpha regularization On weigh
min_child_weightLeast sum of sample weight required in a child
learning_rateStep size reduction to prevent overfitting

LASSOAlpha ( penalty)A constant value that multiplies