Research Article

An Approach for Demand Forecasting in Steel Industries Using Ensemble Learning

Table 5

Best-performing ML model and preprocessing and tuned hyperparameters with the highest possible accuracy .

ML techniquesBest preprocessingBest hyperparametersPerformance

SVRProcessed data Corr (n_attributes: 4)
Kernel: RBF
Epsilon: 0.1
Gamma: 0.001

RFRProcessed data PCA (n_attributes: 4)n_estimators: 10
Criterion: mse
max_depth: 8
min_samples_leaf: 2
min_samples_split: 2

MLPProcessed data PCA (n_attributes: 4)initial_learning_rate: 0.01
Solver: Adam
learning_rate_adjustment: Constant
hidden_layer_sizes: (12, 12, 12, 8)
activation_functions: relu
Alpha ( penalty): 0.01

ELMProcessed data Corr (n_attributes: 4)n_neurons: (8)
activation_functions: relu
Alpha: 100

GBRProcessed data Corr (n_attributes: 4)n_estimators: 250
max_features: Sqrt
min_samples_leaf: 2
max_depth: 2
learning_rate: 0.2
Loss: lad

XGBRProcessed data Corr (n_attributes: 4)cosample_bytree

STACK 1Processed data Corr (n_attributes: 4) 100 kernel: RBF

STACK 2Processed data Corr (n_attributes: 4)Alpha ( penalty): 0.001