
Understanding Low Carbon Sustainable Development Behaviour and Its Complexity

Publishing date
01 Aug 2021
Submission deadline
19 Mar 2021

Lead Editor

1Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China

2Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

3University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK

Understanding Low Carbon Sustainable Development Behaviour and Its Complexity


Climate change has posed severe challenges for the survival and development of mankind. A viable solution for addressing the environmental challenges is fostering low carbon sustainable development, in that the low carbon economy focuses on competition among various economic forms with less consumption of high-carbon energy sources. Undoubtedly, enterprises are the main components of the low carbon economy and are thus responsible for implementing low-carbon strategies. Within enterprises, however, decisions and actions around low-carbon sustainable development are intertwined with other personal and organizational goals, forming a complex context in which it is worth exploring how these decisions and actions unfold.

Given its profound impact on the implementation of low-carbon strategies, existing research has focused on analyzing the characteristics and drivers of green behaviour. However, very few have investigated its complexity and underlying mechanisms. Sustainable green behaviour is regarded as an adaptive open system that exchanges information and materials with the environment, where it performs self-regulation, self-management, and self-control. Its formation refers to the optimized configuration process where complex systems are inherently operated, in a way to improve their behaviour to a higher level of quality and efficiency and improve their performance in more complex social networks.

This Special Issue aims to collect original research and review articles that elaborate theories, research methods, and mathematical or empirical studies that are relevant to low carbon sustainable development behaviour and its complexity from the angles of complexity science and complex systems. These articles are expected to provide theoretical and/or practical implications.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Complex system modelling of low carbon sustainable development behaviour and its complexity
  • Complex network analysis of low carbon sustainable development behaviour and its complexity
  • Green human resource management analysis of low carbon sustainable development behaviour and its complexity
  • Organizational value/culture and management practices for low carbon sustainable development behaviour and its complexity
  • Public policy analysis of low carbon sustainable development behaviour and its complexity
  • Data-driven modelling of low carbon sustainable development behaviour and its complexity
  • Evolutionary modelling of low carbon sustainable development behaviour and its complexity
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Acceptance rate11%
Submission to final decision120 days
Acceptance to publication21 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.720
Impact Factor2.3
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