Case Report

In-Flight Hypoxemia in a Tracheostomy-Dependent Infant

Table 1

FAA mandated medical supplies on commercial flights [34].


Diagnostic tools

Airway supplies
Oropharyngeal airways (various sizes including pediatric)3
CPR masks (various sizes including pediatric)3
Self-inflating manual resuscitation device with various mask sizes including pediatric1

Basic wound supplies
Alcohol sponges2
1-inch adhesive tape roll1
Tape scissors pair1
Nonpermeable gloves pair1

IV equipment
IV start kit with Y-connector1
Needles (various gauges)6
Syringes (various volumes)4

Saline solution 500 cc1
Analgesic tablet (nonopiate) 325 mg4
Antihistamine tablet, 25 mg4
Antihistamine injectable 50 mg ampule2
Atropine 0.5 mg ampule2
Aspirin tablet 325 mg4
Bronchodilator metered dose inhaler1
Dextrose 50%/50 cc ampule injectable1
Epinephrine 1 : 1000 1 cc ampule Injectable2
Epinephrine 1 :  10,000 2 cc ampule injectable2
Lidocaine 5 cc 20 mg/ml ampule injectable2
Nitroglycerine tablet 0.4 mg10
Instructions for use of kit drugs1